The New Frontline – UK Vogue July 2020

July 14, 2020

“If there’s any good in all of this, it’s that actually there’s a great deal of humanity to be seen.  We’re really grateful for that.”

Melanie Rochford, Hackney Food Bank Manager

It’s been a tumultuous few months, to say the least.  I’ve only started looking at a few of my favorite magazines again and really enjoyed this different type of editorial – The New Frontline cover for UK Vogue July 2020.  Of course there were criticisms of the cover – it is superficial, trendy, and simply capitalizing on the goodwill of the moment.  But, we really should celebrate people who have been essential in keeping our transportation running, providing food for our tables, and helping us to stay healthy.

We’ve also had a roller coaster of a ride at home.    Singaporeans have witnessed firsthand how COVID-19 has and continues to rip through the migrant worker population.  New Yorkers have seen the virus disproportionately effect lower income communities. Families are thrown into disarray as we all brace, but not necessarily embrace the new normal. 

But I’ve also been trying to keep perspective. Working from home is a privilege that not all can practice. Having child care, access to food and the ability to stay connected is not something all can enjoy. On the one hand we have turned more insular concentrating on our loved ones’ well being. But we have also been more acutely aware of how others need our support in so many ways. 

I’ve seen support in businesses being converted to make PPE, sanitizers or other equipment while also donating copious amounts to front liners or those that need it most. Recently I read that one of my favorite wrap places donates hundreds of meals to children. My friend shared how her neighbors gave her both a mask and a bottle of wine (both essential to them!) I’ve also shared treats with our neighbors and building cleaners to spread a little sweetness as well.  Many people are going through issues large and small in ways that may be apparent.  Let’s all check in a little more often and support each other.

I hope that we can continue to empathize with and show humanity for each other. We shouldn’t have to go through a pandemic to show a little more kindness to each other.

Have a lovely week!

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  • KizzyDoll July 17, 2020 at 15:53

    The last months have really been hectic and unknowing. The medical teams all around the world have done brilliantly, even if some governments have not. I imagine it was and still is very scary to work in the hospitals and not fully know what you’re up against, we really owe them a lot. I hope you have a great weekend and are keeping well x

  • Mica July 18, 2020 at 21:06

    What a great article and editorial to have – I know that even a small sign of support can really make someone’s day so as much as I wish the government showed monetary support for all our frontline workers I always smile to see when they do get called out for being so helpful and making a difference. It was a funny time for us with hubby and I working but in our extended family some people essential workers and others without jobs after restrictions hit. Everyone really does have their own unique experiences in all of this, despite us all facing the same uncertainty and disease!

    Hope that you are having a great weekend 🙂 We had our first birthday party yesterday after the relaxed restrictions and it was so much fun!

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